When God Leads You Into the Unknown

When God Leads You Into the Unknown

Has God planted dreams and desires in your heart? Do you feel Him calling you to take steps toward them, but realize that doing so will mean letting go of what feels safe and familiar? I know how scary it can feel to venture into the unknown, but I want to encourage you: Don’t let fear hold you back…

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Jesus Said No to People Pleasing—And Why You Should Too

Jesus Said No to People Pleasing—And Why You Should Too

While we tend to equate saying yes with being “loving” and saying no with being “unloving,” in actuality, declining a request is not necessarily unloving. In fact, when it paves the way for obedience and enables us to accomplish our individual callings, it can be the most loving and godly thing we can do…

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How God Wove Music Into Your DNA

How God Wove Music Into Your DNA

You may find it easy to see how nature displays God’s glory. But what about when you look at yourself? Are you filled with the same wonder and awe? Our culture’s constant provocation to personal discontent and our tendency toward self-criticism can make it hard to recognize, but you too are part of the symphony of creation declaring God’s majesty…

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The Unstoppable Power of God’s Word

The Unstoppable Power of God’s Word

I know that even though it looks and feels like winter will never end, spring can’t not come. Whether the snow is here for another three weeks or six, at some point, the heat of the sun will overcome those icy crystals and grass and flowers will appear once again…It’s the same with God’s Word. It can’t not produce results. Just like snow that can’t withstand the heat of the sun, no problem can withstand God’s Word; His Word will produce fruit in our lives…

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When You Feel That You’re Not Qualified

When You Feel That You’re Not Qualified

“…Your worth and eligibility for God’s work are not dependent on degrees or demographics. And if the only thing holding you back from moving toward that thing God is stirring in your heart is feeling “less than” due to lack of a college education or belonging to a specific age bracket, I hope you dismiss those feelings, take a deep breath, and push forward…

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7 Tips to Help You Achieve Your God-given Goals

7 Tips to Help You Achieve Your God-given Goals

…The plethora of books, courses, and coaching programs aimed at helping us achieve goals reveals that I’m not the only one who has struggled with moving forward in the goals I’ve set. It seems that, no matter how good our intentions, even our most worthy goals are often met with resistance…

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He Restores My Soul

He Restores My Soul

…I feel a similar sense of sadness and fatigue, a kind of malaise that makes me just want to sit on the couch and lose myself in a box of chocolates and mystery novel.

And while there’s nothing wrong is enjoying a day curled up on the couch with a book, I know that what my soul needs is deeper than a simple self-care practice can provide—I need God’s supernatural healing in my heart…

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