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Are you pining for purpose? On a journey of self-discovery? Anxious to reach your full potential and become the woman God created you to be?
If so, welcome to my free resource library, the place you can find practical tools to help you on your way.
Articles are great, but sometimes we need a little structure to help us implement—and remember—all those wonderful tips we read about.
Ready to dive in?
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Have you already signed up and are trying to get back into the library? If you have your code, you can access it here.
Here’s a peek at what’s currently in my library:
Video: How You Can Express Your Purpose No Matter Your Life Season
In this video, I break down the three primary facets of your purpose and explain how you can express your God-given purpose, no matter what season of life you’re in.
This video is taken from my e-course Your Creative Best. If you’re interested in learning more on this topic, you can find the complete course here!
How do I know if a desire is from God?
These journaling worksheets explain 5 important questions to consider when determining whether a desire is from God. Each page contains a space to journal so you can prayerfully sort through your thoughts and feelings and make the best decision.
Five Things to Do When You’re Trying to Discern God’s Will
A 15 page mini-devotional to help you push forward in spite of difficulties
5 Tips for Persevering When Learning a New Skill
What Does the Bible Say About Your Purpose? 32 Verses
Seven Days of Solstice: Celebrating Jesus' Light on the Darkest Days of the Year
This free mini devotional contains seven short devotions, one for each day leading up to winter solstice.